Well, it’s been a year now!! I can’t believe how fast time flies once you have a little one! I decided toward the last leg of my pregnancy to take a year off from blogging, and it definitely helped me focus on more important aspects of my business, as well as entering into a new stage of life. I’m now Mommy to 7-month-old Hadelyn (Haddie Mae), a resident of Midland, TX, and I couldn’t feel more blessed than I am today! While it’s been a struggle (understatement!) to balance managing Lizard Nickel Photography with Mommy/Wife duties(and HUGE life changes), it’s definitely been worth it. I get SO MUCH out of photography. Anyone who has ever shot with me knows how “into” a shoot I can get. It’s cheesy to say, but I don’t care: Photography is my PASSION. It fulfills me, not more, but just differently than anything else. Just like Hadelyn fulfills me differently than anyone else–and God differently than anyone else–and Derek, and the list goes on. I always thought I’d want to be solely a stay-at-home mom once I had kids, and though I still get to do that most of the time, I’m surprised to find myself pursuing a career in photography–Surprised, and very grateful. And very blessed.
I think that the best way to get back into this, and to update you all on my work since last year, is to post today just a few favorite shots of the weddings I was blessed to shoot in this last year. I may go back later and do some more specific blog posts on these weddings, but for now, enjoy some of my favorites!! And next time, I’ll be sure to post some of my favorites from my portrait sessions!
With joy, Lizard.
Laura Baze - Love it!!!
We made the blog!
admin - Thank you! And yes, of course you did!! Your day was so beautiful! Hope married life is treating you and your Caleb well
Back from Hibernation Pt. 2 » The Lizard Blog - […] I told you I was excited to be back in the blogging world. Today I just want to share part 2 of Friday’s post. These are just a few shots from just a few AWESOME sessions I was able to do during my blogging […]